About Impressive WebSites
Please read this page entirely so that you will understand the philosophy behind the designs of Impressive Websites.It's common knowledge that all businesses need a website. In this day and age, the old Yellow Pages is being used less and less and folks are turning to the internet instead. The information is there, it's more up-to-date and is much faster to access.
If your business is not on the web, I can help. I have done that. Who am I? My name is Alan Darge and you can learn more about me if you visit my personal website at Darge.us. I have some pretty interesting and funny stuff there.
I am a serious one-man operation and have been crafting technically-excellent websites for a long time. I design all of my websites using the latest versions of Adobe DreamWeaver and PhotoShop. If you are on a tight budget, you can take advantage of my expertise without breaking the bank or calling for government loan money.
Technically superior? You bet!And I can prove it because all websites created by Impressive Websites . . .
- don't use any Tables to create page layout and style
- use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control every aspect of page layout insuring the best design flexibility, future compatibility, and ease of maintenance
- utilize standards-compliant and structurally correct HTML markup so all pages pass W3C's CSS and XHTML validation (see the links in the footer of every page)
- are fully accessible to visually impaired persons
- are checked for correct spelling and grammar (please read more about this on my Testing page)
- contain graphic images and pictures that are carefully optimized for the web for faster display
- are Search Engine Optimized (SEO) for no additional charge
- display properly in both Internet Explorer and Firefox (the two really popular browsers)
Honestly, how many other web designers can make these statements?
Hiding in the shadows. . . All of my web pages have meaningful meta tag information in the head section, invisible to visitors but very visible and important to the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. All of my websites are submitted to these search engines to help get entered into their indexed database so the rest of the world can find my site's contents. To prove these results, go to Google, Yahoo or Bing and simply enter Alan Darge in the search bar. See, I know what I'm doing. I did this with proper SEO.
There's more. . . Visitors will see copyright, webmaster contact, page modification date, and W3C validation information in the footer section of every page. Every image (photos, clip art, etc.) have proper alternate descriptive tags to help vision impaired visitors. I carefully watch the details.
And another thing. We all see email address displayed on web pages. Are they hidden from the bad guy robots that pick up email addresses and use them for spam purposes? The email addresses on all of my web pages are coded with Javascript so those bad guy robots can't get them.
If I've piqued your interested here, continue on to my Steps page to see the steps to follow to get a website created for your business.
Yes, you too can have your very own technically superior Impressive Website at an affordable price.